Non-Profit Lauren Turk Non-Profit Lauren Turk

Facilitating workshops at the Ocean Plastics Leadership Summit

Facilitating design thinking workshops with diverse stakeholders across the supply chain of plastic, and therefore pollution alongside IDEO & Hatch.

Challenge: help 200 executives across the supply chain of plastic to think critically on how to work together to solve plastic pollution.


  • Workshop Facilitation

  • Speaking & performance

Solution: the inaugural Ocean Plastics Leadership Summit brought 160 industry executives and activists together for 3 days, setting sail on an expedition ship into the Sargasso Sea, where we encountered first hand one of the 5 plastic gyres in the ocean. After an immersive swim in the pollution itself (!), in partnership with IDEO and Hatch, I facilitated 3 days of design thinking workshops to bring together stakeholders who usually don’t interact (reps from PepsiCo, GreenPeace, Nestle, World Wildlife Fund, Municipal Recycling Facilities, and more) to join hearts and minds to solve a problem greater than any single one of us, the companies we work with, or consume from. Learn more at OPLN.

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Non-Profit Lauren Turk Non-Profit Lauren Turk

Compost app development

We developed a custom compost app for the non-profit LA Compost.

Challenge: empower community compost and increase participation in it.


  • Research & MVP iteration

  • Community building

  • Software product design and development

  • SaaS for white labelled B2C app and enterprise analytics dashboard

Solution: we developed and white labelled an app for LA Compost to measure, track and reward food waste diverted by residents, which provides both LA Compost and participating residents with personalized data on the positive impact of composting. Calculating and celebrating this impact created a positive feedback loop and spurred a virtuous cycle of engagement; people shared their impact with friends, and more people started composting! Furthermore, this data demonstrated both the demand and value of compost to stakeholders such as foundations and policy makers to help remove barriers to funding and development.

After the successful launch of the app in 1 location in 2020, we now serve over 5,200 people across 20 LA Compost drop-off locations.

We have tracked over 64,000 compost actions in LA, resulting in over 625,000 pounds of food saved from landfills, avoiding 550,000 pounds of CO2e emissions.

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Non-Profit Lauren Turk Non-Profit Lauren Turk

Compost for Burning Man

Co-creating compost systems and culture with Burning Man.

Opportunity: strategize a plan for Burning Man to perfect its composting methodology for its employees, in order to scale composting to the entire 82,000 person event.


  • Strategy (ongoing)

Outcome: stay tuned as we design the plan to scale Burning Man’s compost system from processing the food waste of their employees to processing the food scraps of all Burning Man attendees.

If you or someone you know is interested in the compost created by Burning Man, get in touch!

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